Register for Over The Edge!
June 27, 2025 at Seneca One Tower
Welcome to Over the Edge, the most exciting fundraiser in Western New York benefitting The Arc Erie County. Participants will raise funds to have the opportunity to rappel down Seneca One Tower in Downtown Buffalo.
For any questions please contact Jessica Trainor at JTrainor@arceriecounty.org.

Take a peek at Over the Edge 2024!

What time do I rappel?
The event occurs over an 8-hour day. The Arc & OTE Teams develop the rappeller schedule in the weeks prior to the event. We cannot guarantee a preferred rappelling time.
How long does it take to rappel?
About 20 minutes
What about the weather?
The OTE team has VERY strict rules regarding windspeed & watches the weather very carefully in the days prior to the event. We would rappel in rain but NOT in thunder/lightning.
How many rappeller spots are available?
Currently we have two ropes and 44 rappeller spots that are available on June 27, 2025.
Can people supported by The Arc Erie County rappel?
YES! Please contact the Development team to discuss any pertinent details!
What if I raise more than $2,000?
Incentives & prizes are available to those to exceed the fundraising goal! All rappelers & volunteers will receive a t-shirt.
Can I wear a costume to rappel?
Yes! But it does have to fit the safety guidelines (i.e. cannot interfere with the harness/helmet or be too loose/stringy).
Can I take pictures from the roof?
Nope (for safety reasons), but we will be taking pictures on the roof and will be sent after the event!
What if I don’t meet the fundraising minimum?
Once you meet your fundraising goal OR sign the credit card guarantee form, you will be given a slot on the rappeller schedule.
If the minimum is not met or the credit card guarantee is not signed, you will not be given a spot on the rappeller schedule
NOTE: In order to rappel each participant will have to be able to lift 50lbs
Presented by
What is Over the Edge?
Over The Edge is a special events company that provides signature urban rappelling events for non-profit organizations anywhere in North America. Business leaders, individuals, and community members are invited to raise donations in exchange for the experience of going Over The Edge of a local building and rappelling down the side of the building. Over The Edge has raised over $70 million for non-profits around the world.
Who is the Arc Erie County?
Started in 1951 by a group of parents who were seeking supports for their children with disabilities, The Arc Erie County New York has always been a place for people to feel welcome despite their differences.
At The Arc Erie County, we focus on the person as a whole, while considering their individualized needs and desires. We strive not only to support people with disabilities but to also support the family unit to ensure an all-inclusive care network. People are supported over the arc of a lifetime, from birth through end of life. A variety of opportunities are available for education, employment, recreation and residential supports through quality programming.